Change the world (for a stranger): Pack a few meals for some homeless folks.
week 9 challenge
Want to support me? Follow my lead on a weekly challenge!
Try to get a little conversation going on your walk to hand them out.
I did this a few times in the Cleveland area.
Watch my short video on homelessness for some motivation.
No homeless near you that you know of?
Make food for someone in your life who you think would appreciate it.
****Post below to pledge you will attempt this challenge!

week 9 photo 1
me, Mary, Laura

week 9 photo 2
Nick, Theresa, Zach, Todd, Bobby

week 9 photo 3

week 9 photo 4
Tina, me, and Chad

week 7 scenery
My last look at Lake Erie, from my camping spot in Garth’s (above) backyard!


Lot of great people since last week in Cleveland. Two separate days it even felt like I had my own agents! Todd (above) was my first. He took me to a nearby fair, got me dinner and a beer, then told me to hand him a bunch of my “change the world” cards. As I was going around, he would hand my cards to anyone I spoke with on my behalf, and of course was handing them to people I wasn’t speaking with as well. When I saw him walking over to the stage where the band was playing, I got nervous for a second, and sure enough the band introduced me and what I was doing, and they made me get up on stage to say a few words! Haha. 🙂 I ended up meeting the rest of his family later that evening.

My second agents were Chad and Tina (above). They invited me onto their porch early one morning for some coffee, and told me to stop by the restaurant Tina works at when I would be passing it later, 10 miles down the road. Chad had the day off and checked up on me several times on my way there, and then when I finally got to the restaurant I got to meet a lot of other great people, eat one of the best meals I’ve had in a while, and get an interview with the local paper they called up for me!

It’s getting slightly more rural as I go now, so moments like these become especially appreciated! Oftentimes I have just granola bars, nuts, etc. to eat for meals, and no one to talk to but myself and the soybean and corn plants. 🙂 But there HAVE been a lot of great memories this week. I also loved getting to spend time with the genuine Mary and Laura (above), Garth and his neighbor Kevin, and lots of other people.

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Thanks all, from Lima Ohio, see you next week!

The Courier (Ohio) – “Walking for good”
Advertiser-Tribune (Ohio) – “Cross-country walker encourages good in us”